Get incoming actions received from other users by Address or ENS Name
Path Parameters
(string): The address or ENS name of the account.
Query Parameters
(number, optional): Specifies the type of operation to return [1 for follow, 2 for un-follow, 3 for tag, 4 for un-tag, 0 for any] -
(string, optional): Specifies the time range of notifications to return [hour, day, week, month, all]. -
(string, optional): Specifies a single tag string, of which each account in the response should have at least one. -
(number, optional): Specifies the amount of records to return in the response. If not specifed, default value is 10. -
(number, optional): Specifies the starting index of the records to return in the response. If not specifed, default value is 0. -
(string, optional): If set to ‘fresh’ the cache lookup will be skipped, fresh data will be returned and the cache record will be updated with the new data.
Default Values
A request to this endpoint with no query parameters specified will default to:
- opcode = all
- interval = week
- tag = ""
- limit = 10
- offset = 0
Take care not to request tags joined with incorrect opcodes i.e. requests with a tag specified but opcode = 2 will not return data