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Get accounts being followed (excluding blocked and muted) by a user by their EFP list id.

Path Parameters

  • token_id (string): The EFP List of the account

Query Parameters

  • limit (number, optional): Specifies the amount of records to return in the response. If not specifed, default value is 10.
  • offset (number, optional): Specifies the starting index of the records to return in the response. If not specifed, default value is 0.
  • tags (string, optional): Specifies an array of comma separated tags, of which each account in the response should have at least one.
  • sort (string, optional): Specifies how the results should be sorted, possible values ‘latest’, ‘earliest’, ‘followers’. If not specified, default sort is ‘latest’

Sample Query

Terminal window
// sample response
"following": [
"version": 1,
"record_type": "address",
"data": "0xc6ed8696c4885dcafdc73c5ef28511e02568b472",
"tags": []
"version": 1,
"record_type": "address",
"data": "0x1cbf9983e0d59276a58db8e8529706004fcb1837",
"tags": []
"version": 1,
"record_type": "address",
"data": "0x27d311b8958ca479615522304b442e530c8073fe",
"tags": []